
Customs clearance

MMPJ Customs Agency Sp. z o.o. is certified as an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), which guarantees security and a high level of service provision in the field of trade in goods with foreign countries.
Area of service provision - the entire country.

The AEO certificate allows you to:
• providing valuable clearance services in less time
• priority handling of our clients' shipments
• reducing the number of physical and documentary inspections

Scope of services:
• customs clearance under standard procedure
• customs clearance under simplified procedure 24/7
• possibility of clearance directly at the customer's place
• Import (with payment of VAT)
• Import (without paying VAT) - Article 33a of the VAT Act
• interpretation of receivables on behalf of the client
• export
• T1/T2 transit
• intrastat
• Inward processing, outward processing (support in clearing and control of procedures)
• temporary storage warehouse
• bonded warehouse
• trainings

• road transport
• sea transport
• air transport
• storage of goods

Comprehensive service for the exchange of goods with the UK (IM, EX, T1):
PL - GB (export clearance PL + import clearance UK)
GB - PL (export clearance UK, T1 transit to PL, import clearance PL)
Agent celny stempluje dokumenty pieczatką - agencja celna MMPJ

Bonded warehouse

CUSTOMS STORAGE - is a type of warehouse in which customs goods can be stored indefinitely.
This solution primarily allows long-term storage of goods without the need for customs clearance. It works great in situations of large imports or representative offices of foreign companies that want to have the goods close at hand, close to their contractors. which shortens the execution of orders thus building a service advantage over the competition.

Goods can be taken and cleared in batches, which makes it unnecessary to pay dues on the the entire delivery. Of course, this can be combined with clearance without paying VAT (art.33a of the VAT Law VAT).

The Customs Warehouse solution works great for importing goods destined for other third countries.

Non-cash VAT settlement

Non-cash settlement of VAT on imported goods (Article 33a of the VAT Act, as amended as amended) makes it possible not to pay it at the time of importation but only to settle it non-cash in the tax return.

The solution is very advantageous because there is no need to commit funds at the time of importation import.

This affects the liquidity of importers and makes it unnecessary to make each time transfers for tax receivables.

MMPJ prepares:

• all necessary documents for the Customs-Tax Office
• a summary of clearances with the calculation of tax to be settled which streamlines the entire settlement process


It is a system of statistics that monitors trade in goods between European Union countries. The service includes agreeing on the form of data transfer for the preparation of the Intrastat declaration, and then sending it to the Customs and Tax Administration.
Kontrola celna w siedzibie firmy dokonywana przez agenta celnego z firmy MMPJ

Customs clearance for your business

Any declaration of goods for customs clearance requires their presentation to Customs and Revenue. Revenue. The regulations provide for the possibility of creating a so-called Recognized Place at the customer's premises, which extremely facilitates the entire handling process.

MMPJ has the appropriate safeguards, permits which makes it possible to create such a service.

The benefits primarily include:

TIME – the company's check-in location saves time, transport costs and improves timeliness of deliveries. Check-in time of 30-60 minutes,

• cars do not have to go to the Customs - Revenue Office and wait for clearance on then drive to unload,

• clearance is not limited by the working hours of the Customs-Tax Office,

• financial savings - no blocking of funds to pay VAT at the time of the moment of importation,

• MMPJ has an AEO certificate which gives you the advantage of fast clearance speed (max.30 min.) and fewer physical and paper checks,

Cooperation with a Customs Agency holding an AEOC Certificate of Authorized Economic Operator and inclusion of such a partner in the supply chain will allow you to enjoy additional facilitations.


We are well aware of how important and helpful data is. That's why we provide report services on request. We can jointly agree on what data our clients need to monitor foreign trade in goods and prepare them. We create summaries of data contained in customs declarations, their quantity, type of goods, permit balancing, statements of quantity, type, amount of customs duties, etc.

Service at seaports and airports

The scope of our services includes road transportation, as well as air and sea transportation. We provide full customs clearance services at seaports and airports. In addition, we provide comprehensive services in cargo trade with the United Kingdom.

Trade compliance, consulting and support and training

The team of Agents, working in our agency, has a very high level of experience in foreign trade regulations. This allows us to provide our clients with the additional care of expert advice in this area.

 We often sit down and discuss all possible solutions and scenarios before starting cooperation or during its duration on the occasion of each new contract. 

The amount of customs duties, ways of settling VAT, non-tariff restrictions or origin of goods are very important aspects of our daily work and knowledge of them has a decisive impact on the entire process from a logistical and commercial point of view. 

The MMPJ team consists of experienced customs agents with many years of experience both both theoretical and practical, which allows us to solve a wide variety of, often complicated cases.

We also share our knowledge and experience by organizing closed and open training courses in the field of foreign trade in goods or on topics related to customs duties and VAT.

Examples of training topics include:

• customs documentation in import,
• customs documentation in export,
• origin of goods,
• news and current developments,
• basics of foreign trade in goods.
Agent celny z firmy MMPJ podpisuje kontrakt z Klientem

Simplified procedure

Customs clearance using the simplified procedure undoubtedly saves time and makes the process independent of the opening hours of individual Customs and Tax Offices.

Customs clearance using the simplified procedure may apply:
• imports,
• export,
• transit.

We can offer this type of clearance directly at the customer's premises or at our locations recognized.

We have all the required permits for the simplified procedure and the necessary general securities.

The main benefits of using the simplified procedure are:

• reduction of costs associated with transport because there is no need to commute to the Customs-Tax Office and wait for customs clearance. Tax Office and wait for customs clearance. Simplified procedure gives guaranteed times for customs clearance,
• improved flexibility of goods delivery,
• time saving,
• convenience of use,
• fewer physical and documentary checks (concerning the possession of an AEO certificate),
• release of goods before payment of customs and tax duties (lectures on behalf of Customers),
• possibility of 24/7 service,
• import clearance - possibility to apply clearance without paying Vat (art.33a of the Act


From January 1, 2021, any goods imported from the UK and exported to the UK Kingdom is subject to customs clearance!

We offer comprehensive support in handling cargo trade with the UK:

The scope of services includes:

Od 1 stycznia 2021 r. każdy towar importowany z Wielkiej Brytanii i eksportowany do Zjednoczonego Królestwa podlega odprawie celnej!
Oferujemy kompleksowe wsparcie w obsłudze obrotu towarowego z Wielką Brytanią:
Zakres usług obejmuje:

• EX - export clearance
• T1 - transfer clearances to PL
• IM - import clearances

• EX - export clearances
• T1 - for transfer clearances to the UK
• T2 - transfer clearances to Northern and Southern Ireland
• IM - import clearance (with customs duty + VAT paid)
• IM - import clearance (with paid customs duty, without paying Vat tax)
Take a look for more information https://brexiteksport.pl/
EX - export clearance
• T1 - transfer clearances to PL
• IM - import clearances

• EX - export clearances
• T1 - for transfer clearances to the UK
• T2 - transfer clearances to Northern and Southern Ireland
• IM - import clearance (with customs duty + VAT paid)
• IM - import clearance (with paid customs duty, without paying Vat tax)

For more information, see https://brexiteksport.pl/
Agent celny z Agencji celnej MMPJ kontroluje transport pod względem przepisów celnych

Resettlement property - removals

Are you moving from abroad to Poland? Are you returning home or going to another country outside the EU for private or business purposes? 

We help you arrange customs formalities in the country and advise you throughout the process.

The scope of services includes:

• Import customs clearance with exemption from duties,
• Export customs clearance,
• For the UK, we provide comprehensive service both from Poland to the UK (EX export clearance from PL-GB + import clearance in GB),


• from the UK to Poland (EX clearance in GB, T1 transit to PL + import clearance with duty release in PL),

• Advice on gathering the necessary documentation,
• assistance in arranging transportation.

In the case of the UK:

Definition of so-called Resettlement Property:
"Personal property" means any property intended for the personal use of the persons concerned or to meet the needs of their households.

• Personal property consists in particular of:
household movable property, bicycles and motorcycles, private motor vehicles and trailers for them, camping trailers, tour boats or private aircraft.

• Household property specific to the ordinary needs of the family, pets and riding animals, as well as portable instruments and equipment needed for the person concerned to perform a the person concerned in a craft or profession.

Personal property must not be of such a nature or quantity as to indicate that it is imported for commercial purposes.

Exemption from import duties shall not apply to:
• alcohol products,
• tobacco and tobacco products,
• commercial means of transportation,
• items used in the performance of a craft or profession, other than portable instruments and equipment needed for these activities.

Temporary storage warehouse - bonded warehouse

Temporary storage warehouse - is a type of warehouse in which customs goods can be stored under customs supervision until the goods are declared for another procedure. 

Goods can wait in it maximum of 90 days. An example of the use of such a warehouse may be the lack of adequate documentation to allow for clearance. 

The Temporary Storage Warehouse is located in Bydgoszcz. In addition, we can implement such a solution anywhere in the country.

Special Procedures

Special Procedures are:

• storage (customs warehouse and free zone),
• specific use (end-use and temporary admission),
• processing (inward processing and outward processing).

Inward processing - refers to the importation of goods, e.g. for processing or repair. Procedure allows for the suspension of customs and tax duties for the duration of processing or repair.

Outward processing - refers to exports, such as the export of goods for processing or repair.

MMPJ specializes in performing clearance under the inward and outward processing procedure. Our clients can count on full support in applying the procedure and guiding them through the maze of requirements that must be met to use the procedure.

We operate under the principle: "You drive take care of your business, and we will help with the formalities regarding customs clearance"

We support from the moment we agree on the details of the entire process to obtaining the permit, determining the conditions for the application of the procedure, its implementation and its settlement and completion. This is an ideal solution for manufacturing and service companies, where the subject of import/export are components from which finished products are made or goods are imported for repair.

WSK i Dual Use (Military Goods)

WSK and Dual Use (Military Goods).
Handling strategic goods and armaments requires special attention and specialized knowledge and procedures for handling the entire process.
MMPJ Customs Agency has completed the WSK certification and thus, joined the ranks of the largest but also few having an Internal Control System for logistics operators in the market.

The certificate confirms not only the possession of knowledge but, above all, allows to expand the scope of of its activities by providing service and assistance with customs clearance:
• arms,
• Dual - Use goods

The audit confirmed compliance with the requirements for: trading with foreign countries of goods, technologies and services of strategic importance for state security and the maintenance of international peace and security (art.11.2 of the Act of 29.11.2000)

So, as of 05.05.2022, we can assist customers with advice and assistance on:
• exports,
• intra-EU transfer,
• intermediary services,
• import,
• transit.

Goods and services of strategic importance.
Statki z ładunkami w porcie obsługiwanym przez agencje celną MMPJ


What is an EORI number?
EORI - identification number for the import and export of goods
If your company will be importing goods from countries outside the European Union (EU) or exporting them to countries outside the EU, it will need an EORI number.
An EORI number is an identifier that functions solely for customs purposes related to the performance of customs duties in the import and export of goods from and to third (non-EU) countries.
The number is assigned in the Community Economic Operators Registration and Identification System (Economic Operators Registration and Identification system), is valid throughout the EU and is used as a common reference number when dealing with customs authorities in any of the member states.

In Poland, an EORI number can be obtained only:

  • A domestic company or
  • a foreign company from a third country, i.e., a non-EU company, if the number has not yet been assigned to it in one of the EU countries.

Foreign company:

  • From an EU country that has an EORI number, or
  • from outside the EU that has an EORI number assigned in one of the EU countries.

If you need help with registration - contact us.

Useful links

Fiscal and Customs Electronic Services Platform (PUESC).
Integrated Customs Tariff system. It is operated by the Customs Service of Poland. In the system one can find a lot of valuable information, including, among other things, the applicable duty rate for a given commodity:

Guarantee of high efficiency customs process

As MMPJ Group, we offer comprehensive supply chain and logistics solutions. Many small, medium and large companies have already trusted us, valuing the quality, efficiency and professionalism of our contractors. 

Our team is always ready to provide solutions, responding to the needs of the customer.
Logotyp certyfikacji AEO dla agencji celnej MMPJ z Gdańska
Certyfikat IQnet management system dla Agencji celnej MMPJ
Certyfikat Wewnetrznego systemu Kontroli wydany przez Polskie Centrum Badań i Certyfikacji dla agencji celnej MMPJ
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